The Fellows House’s path to net zero: LightStay and our commitment to cycling

August 16, 2022

Hilton launched the award-winning LightStay in 2009 – a platform for all environmental and social impact reporting to be used by Hilton properties across the world. “LightStay enables hotels to measure and manage energy, water and waste using variables such as occupancy and weather, and to forecast future consumption.”

LightStay sits within Hilton’s Environmental, Social and Governance strategy to drive responsible travel and tourism globally. The goal is to cut the environmental footprint in half and double the social impact investment by 2030.


The Fellows House meets LightStay

We are a new luxury aparthotel, barely one year old. Here is our green manifesto, which is communicated to our guests through a digital display at reception:

  • Reduce our impact on the environment by encouraging guests to change their towels and linen less often.
  • Hilton Light Stay Programme – reduction of carbon emissions equivalent to 19 cars and energy consumption equivalent to 32 powered houses.
  • Out of 79 car park spaces, 28 EV car park chargeable bays.
  • In-house laundry facilities with energy-saving programmes.
  • Reduction of energy use and carbon emission via our CHP units.
  • Low-pressure shower heads to save water.
  • Waste-recycling process – kitchen bins and turnaround service in the bedroom suites (within kitchen units).
  • Removed all single-use plastics – glasses, cutlery and crockery.
  • Plant-based menu options.
  • Operating with local companies and forming partnerships to support
    sustainability projects like bulk-in amenities.
  • Teams are aware of environmental issues and support green projects.


Focus on cycling

Many members of staff commute by bike. Cambridge is the cycling capital of the UK because of the local authorities’ huge and ongoing investment in cycling routes to tackle pollution and congestion.  

Simone, our marketing director, is a cycling-to-work champion with Cyclescheme. Our website’s blog has already covered cycling and more articles are planned. Our sales director Avril is a keen user of VOI scooters when attending meetings in town. A VOI electric bike and scooter stand is outside the hotel.

The Fellows House hires branded bikes at affordable rates to guests, including safety equipment. Camcycle, the Cambridge Cycling Campaign, has provided us with cycle trails and maps, which we offer to our long-stay guests (residents who stay over seven nights). We also have cycling maps in reception for short-stay customers.


Cycling routes near The Fellows House

We are not far from Milton Country Park and a very short ride to the city’s centre. Why not pack a picnic bag with goodies from The Sage cafe’ and cycle to Grantchester?

Experienced cyclists can also attempt to ride to St Ives using the busway. More ideas are on this website.






Mother's Day

Surprise your mum or mother figure in your life with a special dining experience at our fine dining restaurant. Pick from a tasty Mother's Day Afternoon Tea or a scrumptious Mother's Day Roast!